
friday five

one- Mattie's response to pretty much any question these days is "I tink so!"

two- Jillian practices this little climbing wall every time we go to the gym and she finally made it to the top!  In possibly related news, nearly all of her leggings have holes in the knees, so we're really hoping warm weather is here to stay so we can retire all leggings.  

three- Our neighbor gave the girls a box of chalk and they immediately went to work covering our sidewalk with drawings, or in Mattie's case covering the side of our house (it's brick, so not a huge deal but does look kind of ridiculous.)  In case you thought we have a prodigy on our hands I drew the smiley face then gave Mattie the chalk. :)

four- We made red velvet cake mix cookies and Mattie enjoyed a little taste of the dough.

five- Speaking of dough, Bryan went on a temple trip with the youth last Friday so this bowl of cookie dough was my date while I got caught up on Nashville.  And, just so you know, I didn't eat the whole thing; I do have a smidgen of self restraint.  

 happy weekend friends!!


Shauna said...

Mmm that cookie dough looks so good. I don't blame you!

Unknown said...

I love Mattie's red velvet face!