
snow day

I'm a compulsive list-maker.  I'll even write something on my list after I've done it just for the satisfaction of checking it off (can you say Type A?)  One of my goals this year is to not stress so much about my to-do list or, more specifically, not stress about the things I don't check off but be happy with what I am able to accomplish.  Many nights Bryan comes home from work and asks what we did that day and I'm suddenly at a loss.  I feel busy all the time, and I promise I don't just lie around all day browsing pinterest, but we don't always have the most impressive days.  I read a lot of books, clean up many messes, push little girls on swings, make heart-shaped pb&h sandwiches, and wipe lots of tears.  This year I want to focus on quality rather than quantity of my accomplishments and cut myself a break when my list of to-dos is still a mile long at bedtime.

Last week gave me a perfect opportunity to practice my new resolution.  On Tuesday it snowed- not a ton of snow but enough to close schools for a day.  I was not interested in driving in the snow or going out in the cold so we had our own little snow day.  We cuddled on the couch and I may have had a little morning snooze while my girls watched Curious George.  We still weren't quite ready to start our day so we climbed back into my bed to read books and sing songs (they told me that Mattie doesn't like music time in nursery and I realized that I've failed as her mother- she knows all the words to Let it Go but I've never sung her Itsy Bitsy Spider or Wheels on the Bus.  Poor second child.  So Jilly has taken on the assignment to teach Mattie these songs and she takes her job very seriously.)  We finally got dressed then spent 45 minutes gathering and putting on snow clothes to go out and play for a total of 10 minutes.  But those 10 minutes were so fun!  Before we even made it off our front porch Jilly laid down to make a snow angel, then our sweet neighbor gave the girls rides on her sled until Jilly said her fingers were too cold to stay out anymore.  We came inside for hot cocoa and lunch, and I have no recollection of what we did the rest of the day but I remember feeling so relaxed and happy and enjoying the little moments with my girls.  So, here's hoping for more snow days.  


Steph said...

Those pictures are the cutest! Also, I was laughing SO hard at your to-do list because I add things to my list just to cross them off too!! Oh my gosh, it makes me so happy that sometimes I'll be in the middle of doing dishes and then add it to the list because when I'm done I'll feel so accomplished that I spent my time doing something worthwhile that needed to be done anyway. Love it :D

Kristen Fitzgerald & Trevor Martinez said...

Can I have a copy of some of those to do lists so I can see what I should be doing.

Lisa said...

Quality over quantity. Wise. But really, I'm pretty sure you accomplish more in a day than I do in a week. But even lazy me needs to remember to drop what I'm trying to do and focus on who I'm with. I started listening to a podcast called the Longest Shortest Time. It's okay, but what I love about it is the title. It describes the time of raising young children perfectly: The Longest Shortest Time. On a hour-by-hour basis, it seems endless. But overall, it's such a short time. You're such a great mom and I know you're so good to your girls. I'm trying to be more like you!