
five fact friday

If I'm being honest, this week has been filled with much more whining, crying, complaining, fighting, and not-long-enough-napping than I would like (I blame January.)  But, here are five things that made me happy this week.

1. Mattie saying "otay momma!" (on the rare occasion she agreed with what I asked her to do)

2. A trip to Costco then having Jilly tell me, "Costco is my favorite store because it has everything I want" and later asking Bryan, "Daddy, do you want to play Costco with me?!"

3. This little snowman we made and Mattie's hand-me-down snowsuit that possibly outdates me.

4. Coming in from the snow to have some hot cocoa and turning my back for a few minutes just to find Mattie in the thick of some tasty trouble-making.

5.  A weekend trip down to Richmond!


Lisa said...

"Otay Momma." !! TOO CUTE!!
I'm sorry about the whining and crying. Those are rough weeks. :(