
Pioneer Woman

About 2.5 years ago I was newly pregnant with Mattie and I noticed and grabbed The Pioneer Woman Cooks: Food From my Frontier at the library.  I remember so well flipping through those pages and thinking, "these recipes would be great to make if I had the capacity to make anything more than Ramen noodles right now."  I returned the book after thoroughly enjoying the pictures but never making anything.

Fast forward to this past fall.  One day at the library I looked up and there it was, a ghost from the past.  I grabbed the cookbook and vowed to actually try some recipes this time.  I did just that, and loved pretty much everything I made.  Then just a couple weeks later I noticed The Pioneer Woman Cooks: A Year of Holidays and it was begging to join its sister on my bookshelf.  I loved this cookbook (and the recipes) just as much as the first.  I decided to keep with all things Ree and requested The Pioneer Woman: Black Heels to Tractor Wheels, which was fun to read.

All of her recipes I've tried have been flavorful but not too fancy or outlandish.  And, I love how Ree's personality shines through in her recipes.  I've gotten in the habit of always going to her site first when I'm making any kind of beef because I feel like living on a ranch and feeding a cowboy makes her an expert in those sorts of things.  Some of our favorite recipes have been: fried chicken tacos, ranch-style chicken (that's what she calls it in the book, but this looks like the same recipe and it is awesome), her perfect caramel apple pie, and of the manymanymany pizza dough recipes I've tried, I'm pretty sure hers is my favorite.  We're definite Pioneer Woman fans around here.


Kristen Fitzgerald & Trevor Martinez said...

It's so wierd you wrote this post this week. I have been obsessed with her show this week an have made a ton of her recipes and love them. Tonigh I'm tryin the barefoot contessa's recipe

Lisa said...

I'll have to try her pizza recipe (Although I've outsourced Saturday pizza night to Bryan who consequently often outsources to Costco, Pizza My Heart, etc.). :)
I pretty much love recipes that provide the total prep time. That's my one pet peeve about the OBB Cookbook. Why would anyone NOT want to put the prep time? Anyway, so PW is already starting off on the right foot in my book.