
silly Jilly

Whenever I do something for her Jilly says "Oh nay-ku mommy" (thank you)

McDonald's = Donald Duck's

When she sings "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" instead of "Up above the world so high" she says "Up-a up-a world so high."  Bryan has tried to correct her, but she insists that she is right.

We were outside playing and Jilly had to go potty so we headed inside and she started yelling, "Bye, I'll be back!"  I asked who she was talking to and she said, "the flowers"

We read Sleeping Beauty a lot and I always kind of skip over the death part but apparently she caught on from watching the movie.  Whenever we get to Maleficent's page in the book Jilly says "touch the spindle and DIE!" in her loudest and most dramatic voice.

As I've complained about at least 10,000 times Jilly is an early riser so I've told her that we don't get up until it's light.  So she now comes to us every morning saying "the lights are on!"

Whenever she sees Mattie or a picture of Mattie Jilly says, "oh my baby's sooooo coot"

One day Jilly did what I asked and I said "thanks for listening" and she said, "I obey Mommy and Daddy and Jesus!"

And lastly, a little Jilly in action for your enjoyment (She's singing "Once Upon a Dream" from Sleeping Beauty)


kali said...

Hahaha! That is too cute!
"I want popcorn!" -I laughed out loud.

Lisa said...

Love that she says goodbye to the flowers and "TOUCH THE SPINDLE AND DIE!" Hilarious. And I love that she's trying to hold our her pajamas like she would one of her dresses. That girl is too cute.

Kristen Fitzgerald & Trevor Martinez said...

Are you guys giving that girl coffee before bed with a little something something extra? I definitely expect to see her at Disney land one day as one of the princesses.

Steph said...

Oh my gosh, this is one of the cutest things I've ever seen!