
we're doing this

This week Jilly and I made an exciting purchase- a shiny, new princess potty.  She LOVES it and begs me to carry it around with us all.day.long. (I usually don't oblige.)

Now, please don't worry, I will not be using this blog to chronicle our daily potty training successes and failures.  However, I have recently realized that I have no clue what I am doing here.  So this is a plea for your tips and tricks.  Please tell me what has worked for your kids, and reassure me that we will survive this process.  Thanks!!


Shauna said...

Good luck! We're still waiting for Corbyn to be ready. Hopefully soon! They say boys potty train later than girls.

Lisa said...

Exciting stuff! I obviously know nothing about potty training--the only tip I know is the one I posted on my blog from my friend, put them on the potty and put their feet in warm water for tinkling action. Good luck! Can't wait to hear how it goes.

Suzie Soda said...

Use the book " Toliet Training in less than a day" by Dr. Azer. It may be Potty Training..can't remember. I trained all my 5 kids in one day. They have to pass the reediness assesment test. Worked awesome.Call me for details if you can't find the book. I can remember....I did it 5 times. Good Luck. xoxo

kali said...

We did something similar to the "toilet training in less than a day" book. Then a sticker chart for reinforcement.
We tried when she was 2 1/2, and it worked like a charm for 2 weeks, but then she just quit. I guess she wasn't really ready yet. 5 months later we did the sticker chart and it stuck :)
Good luck! I can't believe I have to do it with a boy soon...

Janssen said...

We're gradually working our way up to it - she's started going several times a day on it, and it's been totally stress-free.