
21 Day Challenge

My wise mother taught me that the best way to help yourself feel better is to dress better.  Whenever I was tired, nervous, or not feeling well she'd tell me to wear something nice and I would feel more ready for the day.  And, what do you know- she was right (as always.)

Nowadays I usually only see Bryan, Jilly, and a handful of strangers at the grocery store during the day.  But I still feel better when I get dressed.  Yes, some days call for jammies.  But on the days I get dressed I feel ready for anything.

Kayla from Freckles in April is doing a 21 Day Challenge.  She'll give a daily outfit prompt and anyone can participate.  The thought of taking a picture of what I'm wearing everyday is just about as appealing to me as tearing out my own eyeballs (yes, that bad.)  But, I think this will be a fun little adventure and give me more of a reason to get dressed.  I'll miss the first week since I'm leaving on a little trip, but I really want to try it when I get home.  So, will you do it with me?  Pretty please?!?!

21 Day Challenge