
Mattie: three months

At three months Mattie is chatty.  If you talk or smile at her she'll reward you with big smiles and lots of cooing.  She makes everyone feel like they are her very best friend.

She's also gotten grabby.  Her favorite things to wrap her little fingers around are blankets, my necklaces, and hair (this has been the source of our first experiences with sisterly fighting.)

Her favorite game to play is "Yes mom I'm totally asleep.  Wait, you're putting me down?!  Just kidding- wide awake!"  I would complain more, except I looove holding a sweet sleepy baby.

There really aren't words to tell you how much we love this girl.

one month, two months


Kristen Fitzgerald & Trevor Martinez said...

But I really am her best friend. I can tell.

Lisa said...

Wait wait wait wait...are you telling me I'm not *actually* her best friend?! Could've fooled me! Love that girl!