

Remember when I cut my hand a few months ago?  Well, this was way, way worse.

"Hot" was one of Jilly's first words.  We can tell her when things are hot and she knows not to touch them.  Every time she sees a pan on the stove, hot glue gun, my straightener, etc. she reminds us that it is "hot!"  So I've never been very worried about her burning herself.

Today Jilly was sitting next to me on the floor playing with toys while I straightened my hair.  I really don't know what exactly happened, but my best guess is that she stood up and lost her balance then landed on me and, unfortunately, on my straightener.

Immediately she started screaming and I could tell her hand was badly burned. I covered it with a cool wet washcloth and called the doctor.  I had to leave a message for them to call me back.  I looked all over but couldn't find any baby tylenol (emergency preparedness is majorly lacking around here) and I wanted to get some kind of burn cream so we ran to CVS.

This is when I started to unravel.  Jilly wailed as I ran around CVS grabbing random first aid paraphernalia.  I got to the checkout and my favorite cashier was there.  She kindly asked what happened and I started bawling as I told her about the burn.  A man then walked by, looked at my screaming child, made an extremely annoyed face and said, "Someone's not happy today."  I seriously could have ripped his eyeballs out.  Luckily my dear friend, the cashier, informed him that my poor girl was hurt very badly. 

Both sobbing, Jilly and I made it back home.  The nurse called and said there was an open appointment in an hour.  Jilly cried for most of that hour but finally fell asleep in my lap right before we left. By the time we saw the doctor, Jilly had woken up and was her usual happy self.  The doctor said it was a deep second-degree burn and gave us a prescription for some cream and wrapped it up very well.  

We have to keep it wrapped for 2 weeks and go back in a few days so the doctor can check for infection.  But, in the end, it didn't really phase Jilly at all.  She's been running around and happy all afternoon. 

(Not the best picture of Jilly, but isn't her little wrapped hand so cute?)


Janssen said...

Oh no. That poor little gal. Glad she's okay.

Kristen Fitzgerald & Trevor Martinez said...

This happened to kirra at 8 months. she pulled the straightener on her foot. I felt awful. She still has a bad scar. All part of growing up I guess.

Shauntel said...

Oh, it isn't it the worst watching your baby hurt? I would've been sobbing with you.

So glad she's okay. Aren't they resilient little things?

Christina (Cha) said...

Oh my... I am so sorry. I wish I could have helped. I know I'm not that close but I will bring you tylenol or something in a case like that. I am not even kidding. Glad she is feeling ok though.

Steph said...

Oh wow, I'm so glad she is ok! Her purple wrap is very cute :) What a weirdo that guy was though to comment on her being sad! :( Some people were definitely not meant to have children...

Suzie Soda said...

So so sorry. Burns hurt so bad....bless her little heart.
Luckily it will heal fast and she will forget the trauma ...but probably never go near a curling iron or straightener. xoxo