

On Tuesday afternoon I cut my thumb open when a glass cup I was washing broke.  I got 7 stitches, a huge bandage, and a splint to keep my thumb still for a week.

Here is what I have learned:

1. A box of Sesame Street bandaids is not an adequate first aid kit.

2. Opposable thumbs are an amazing thing.

3. I am extremely right handed; my left hand is basically worthless

4.  When emergencies happen, it's nice to know we have wonderful people around to help.  My friend Megan took Jilly on very short notice, and she fed, bathed, dressed, and entertained my girl.  Megan's daughters are two of Jilly's favorite people in the world, so she was in heaven (in fact, she probably wishes I would cut my hand more often.)  Our other friends Miranda and Tommy stopped by with ice cream- my favorite remedy for any ailment.

5. Reading The Happiness Project is a great distraction when you're being numbed (ouch!) and stitched up.  The doctor said he was going to recommend it to all his suture patients.


Shauna said...

Yikes! That doesn't sound like fun at all!

Shauntel said...

No bueno! This so sounds like something I would do. So glad you're on the road to recovery.

And I just want you to know that every book you read sounds great. I've unabashedly been copying you this year, and I'm pretty sure this one should be my next read.

Janssen said...

oh no! At least you had The Happiness Project :)