
Five on Friday

1.  This week I noticed vanilla cupcake flavored goldfish at the grocery store and into the cart they went.  Poor Jilly never even got to try any, Bryan and I ate them up too fast!

2.  Lisa came to visit last week and told me about the genius of a hip hugger belt.  Because she's amazing, a couple days later a package arrived from Lisa with one for me.  I'm a fan.

3.  The other morning I put on a shower cap so I could shower without washing my hair.  When Jilly saw me she laughed so hard she fell over.

4. This week we found out my car needed a new engine.  We dropped it off at the shop and the very next morning went outside to find that Bryan's car had a flat tire- double downer.  To make matters more exciting, the tool that lowers the spare tire was missing so it took a while to figure out how to proceed.  We were carless for a day and a half which turned out to be kind of nice- Bryan could get a ride to and from work and Jilly and I read lots of books, cleaned the house, and finally got around to some projects I had been planning.

5. When you ask Jilly where your nose is she sticks her little finger up your nostril as far is it will go.  So Bryan of course thinks it's hilarious to say "where is daddy's nose?" followed by "where is mommy's mouth?"  Thankfully she hasn't mastered the mouth yet.


{amy k.} said...

the chocolate chip goldfish are delicious as well! i haven't tried the other flavors yet, now i shall!

Janssen said...

Wow, that makes me actually want to try some of those goldfish. . .