

Our apartment in Utah was on the third floor.  There was a trash bin in the parking lot below us and we decided it was absolutely ridiculous to have to walk down all those stairs just to throw away a bag of trash. So Bryan started throwing bags from our balcony down to the trash bin.  This provided hours of entertainment- waiting until the coast was clear so no one would witness our escapade, betting if the bag would actually make it in the bin, and watching as Bryan ran down to grab the bag when it wasn't on target.  Anyone else at Union Square enjoy this pastime?

Now we live on the first floor (hooray for no steps) and we have a long journey across the parking lot to our trash bin.  About a week ago our apartment complex started a valet trash program.  Every night we can put our garbage bag right outside our door and it will be picked up.  Do I feel incredibly lazy?  Yes.  But if someone else wants to (gets paid to) take out our dirty, smelly diapers, they can be my guest.


Janssen said...

Okay, that is the greatest thing I've ever heard. I need a trash valet!

Shauntel said...

That's not lazy - that's raw efficiency! :) I'd seriously pay to have someone valet my trash. Our dumpster is like a mile away. Two if you're pregnant. :)

Best idea ever.

Lisa said...

Genius! I also have a trash valet, but unfortunately, he doesn't get paid. I hope he doesn't read this or he might start making demands. :)

kali said...

Oooh, I should suggest that to our managers!
When we were moving here, we also requested an apartment on the first floor (no more carrying heavy stroller up stairs!) but when we got here, the "first floor" was DOWN stairs! No such luck for us.

Anna said...

oh I miss that US past time. What a nice deal...also about the sick post, i had that realization one day where i skipped work. I thought I never get to do this again for the next 12-15 years really.