
five on friday

ONE- This week has been cool and rainy but the two weeks before that were bright and sunny.  Right now nothing sounds better than long, hot, full-of-fun summer days.  Jilly and I decided to read all of Janssen's 100 Picture Books to Read This Summer and it's so fun to have a goal as we make our way through piles and piles of library books.  

TWO- Mattie brings new meaning to "picnic basket."  Also, she's obsessed with making little goggles and saying "I see you!"  This little lady is not lacking in personality.

THREE- Jilly had her second real dentist visit (she'd been to my dad's office a couple times before that) and it was (happily!) completely opposite from her first visit.  And now she begs to brush and floss her teeth and insists that going to the dentist was the best thing we did this week (closely followed by a trip to Costco.)

FIVE- Mattie decided she's a big kid and now sits on the bench with Jilly instead of her booster which has lead to lots of dinner love

FIVE- Over Memorial Day Weekend we met up with my family at a park in DC.  Jilly has never ever passed up a chance to ride a carousel (especially when there's a zebra) and Tyler is the best uncle ever to go along her.


Lisa said...

Jilly is a dental champion!! Wish she could pass that love onto my kids. And that picture of Mattie making goggles is to die for. <3