
five fact friday

one.  Something tragic happened to my sweet baby girl this week.  Her favorites words are now "No, no, no, no, no" and "Dop Gi-wee!" (stop Jilly.)  On the flip side, she has started folding her arms for prayers and saying "cheese!" while giving the goofiest toothy grin.  

two.  We celebrated the advent of Fall this week by making an inaugural pumpkin treat (delicious) and all getting colds.  Bryan got sick first and said he survived two days of work by sipping on a Monster energy drink so that's my attack plan today, along with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on repeat, which may very well kill me if this cold doesn't.

three.  Jilly has opened a stuffed animal/doll babysitting service that takes place on my bed every morning.  So, if you need a break from your inanimate animals and babies, she's your girl.  And, in other news, we've been practicing our Elsa braid in eager anticipation of Oct 31st.

four.  This week I had a Girl's Night (complete with cheesecake from The Factory) and I stayed out til 1am on a Tuesday which, in my best guess, hasn't happened since 2006.  So, kind of a big deal.  I'm so lucky to have found some great girls out here to con into being my friends.

five.  We went to the library this week (duh) and my girls were really into the puppet theater.  It was one of those shiny happy moments that I cling to when we return to real life.


Shauna said...

Sorry about the cold! Our kids have one this week too, but Rog and I have somehow avoided it. Feel better soon!

Kristen Fitzgerald & Trevor Martinez said...

What the heck. I have been here almost 2 years and don't have friends. How do you have some already!