

We have so so so many things to be grateful for.  And, what a blessing it is to have a day to relax and enjoy being with family.

I channeled my inner Manny and designed our centerpiece.  Bryan told me it was "a hit and a miss" but I won't let it get me down.

We had a most delicious feast all prepared by my amazing mom.
our excellent turkey carver 

 around the table  (Jilly was conveniently napping during dinner- we missed her, but it was so delightful to have a peaceful meal)

Jilly's favorite part of the day was her post-dinner lollipop

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


Bmar said...
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Bmar said...

That Turkey looks excellent. Must have come from Tom Leonard's.

I deleted my comment because it was important to me to spell my favorite grocery store correctly.