
Looking Forward

I must admit, I am not exactly jumping for joy at the prospect of trading in my wonderful care-free days of summer for work on Wednesday. I do love teaching, but I also love my free time and being able to do whatever I want whenever I want. I can feel the stress creeping in as I run around preparing my room and figuring out what on earth I'm going to teach these kids.

Feeling very pleased with my ability to find the positive in the midst of my stress, I told Bryan, "I decided that I'm excited for school to start because Christmas can't come unless school starts, and I'm very excited for Christmas." He wasn't as impressed with me as I was.

My wise husband said, "It's great to look forward to things, but then you forget that you're supposed to be living today. We should find something to look forward to every day so we make sure we enjoy it."

Due to construction we had a long drive back from SLC to discuss this and I decided he's right. I often spend so much time looking forward to something in the future that I waste time I have right now. Instead of appreciating the moments I have now that are slipping so fast I dream of moments to come in the future. I think it's an easy thing to do because "it's always greener on the other side." But I'd like to try Bryan's advice and find something to look forward to every day.

Today I'm looking forward to Bryan coming home from his meetings at church so we can make yummy panini sandwiches for dinner.


kali said...

I totally agree! If we're always waiting for things to come, we'll miss out on what is going on right now! And then when we're old, we'll miss right now... :)

Lisa said...

You are so right, Rach! Thank you for reminding me. Today I'm looking forward to Bryan coming home so we can check out the gym. Good luck preparing today!

{amy k.} said...

Those darn husbands are so smart sometimes! :)

Lauren@ "Happiness is..." said...

Hey Rachel, this is Cam's sister! I found your and Lisa's blog and thought I would say hi! Looks like everything is going great for you guys!