
March 2017

There is no shortage of pictures of our sweet Livvy, clearly we are smitten.

Bryan tried a new workout and everyone was a big fan

First taste of food!  We gave her pears and she was skeptical at first but caught on quickly

They love this little hiding place at the library, makes me so happy!

So lucky to be surrounded by these girls

Bethany came to visit during her Spring break!

The YMCA does Parents' Night Out once a month and we dropped  off our big girls a couple times and went out to eat with Livvy.  This was my first time trying pho (also, this picture shows my horrible haircut that I've been working on growing out for the rest of the year...err)

I love Mattie and her sass

 Matching stripey tights!

Some friends gave us their American dolls they weren't using anymore and they immediately became the favorite toys

After waiting all winter we finally got a snow day on March 15th!  We were so excited

Jilly wrote us a Morning Message- "Dear Mom Mattie I am glad at I cna sey home Love Jillian"

We spent our second snow day at the pool at the YMCA

Taking care of her baby ;)

Trader Joe's opened!!!!  We walked there on opening day and have loved having it so close

We have a Fancy Nancy book where she does a spa day for her mom.  One day I convinced Mattie to give me a foot bath like Nancy.  She loved it, and I loved it even more!

chubba wubba!

Seriously?! This girl is the sweetest

I love all of Jilly's little messages

Mattie and her love for lipstick!

Mattie got new sneakers that she loved and was totally convinced they made her faster

We were getting ready for a trip and Mattie told me she was all packed up- just the essentials!

Livvy's first ride in the cart at Costco