
So long, farewell

I hate saying goodbye.  
I hate the finality of it, and I absolutely hate how weepy I get
I much prefer "See ya later" 
because, in some form or fashion, I know we'll see all our friends again

These past few days have been full of goodbyes.  
I've been keeping them very low-key because while Jilly knows we're moving to a new house,
I don't think she gets how terribly far away we'll be, and that we won't see our friends anymore.
Call me a baby, but I just can't handle her figuring that out and feeling sad right now 
(I'm sad enough for the both of us.)

Today was our last Sunday at church and afterwards I said goodbye to a few people,
but then I just had to get out the door.
I was too emotional and couldn't handle it anymore.
We've been so happy and so blessed here.

one last walk around the Sacramento Temple tonight