
five fact friday

one- Jilly had a rough week last week.  On Saturday she was sitting on the kitchen counter and fell off backwards.  She hit her head really hard and cried and cried and cried.  I laid her on her couch and kept asking her questions and she could always answer.  She also told me, "I fell just like Rapunzel's mean mom fell out of the tower" so I knew she was in pretty good shape.  She eventually fell asleep but when she woke up she threw up.  I was really worried so I called the pediatrician who said there was no need to worry unless she threw up again or seemed to not be herself. The rest of the day she was perfectly fine.  Then, on Monday we had friends over to go swimming and while we were eating dinner Jilly and her friend were playing by the pool.  I never ever ever should have let Jilly be that close to the water without her life jacket, but I did, and somehow she fell in the 5 ft deep water.  I ran over (we were only a few feet away) and was able to quickly grab her out of the water.  She was shaken up but fine (had no problem getting in the pool later) but it was scary scary scary.  So apart from feeling like the loserest mother there ever was, I've been ultra-vigilent lately- to the point of waking up in the night to check on my girls.  We're lucky everything turned out just fine.

two- Mattie is at that fun stage where she knows exactly what she wants to say but mamama and dadada just aren't cutting it.  Our days are filled with lots of whining and grunting as the poor girl tries to figure out how to communicate.

three- We have a place to live in Maryland!  We're renting a little townhome and it's been quite stressful to choose a place without actually seeing it, but we're excited and happy to know we have a new home.

four- Lisa and her crew came to visit one last time while we're residents of the same state.  We had such a fun day with these guys- the kids play so well together.  And thank goodness for texting and facetime that will make my separation from Lisa just barely bearable.

five- We spent last weekend at the beach with Bryan's family, then had Lisa visit, my sister-in-law and kids visit for a couple days (more on that later), then inspection and appraisal on our house.  Most of this week I've felt like I was hanging on for dear life as the days whizzed by.  One day things will slow down again, but probably not for a little while!


Lisa said...

So glad we were able to hang out one last time! I'm sorry we added to the hectic week, but I couldn't stand the idea of not seeing you one more time when we had the chance. Thank you for making the time to see us. Love you all!!

Monica said...

I had a similar pool incident with Clara--agreed that it is scary and makes you paranoid. I think motherhood is a fine balance between relaxed awareness and extreme paranoia. I have yet to find the right balance and usually just swing from one end to the other.