
Ode to Spring Break

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.

1. sleeping in every day
2. re-reading The Alchemist, starting To Kill a Mockingbird and Leadership and Self-Deception
3. getting ahead on lesson plans (pretty sure that hasn't ever happened in my life)
4. trying a few new recipes/actually making dinner for a change
5. dollar movies- Dear John and Sherlock Holmes
6. getting caught up on Glee episodes (so excited for Tuesday!)
7. finishing a sewing project and starting another
8. eating my first Sweet Tooth Fairy cupcake9. going to the Creamery and making fun of all the awkward daters (we can make fun because we were once there)
10. getting caught up on laundry, cleaning, and re-filling my refrigerator
11. watching Duke win and gloating over my not-too-bad bracket
12. going to the gym (okay, maybe only did this once)
13. going to Dear Lizzie with some of my favorite girls
14. going on a bike ride with Bry
15. reading some of my favorite talks from General Conference
16. taking mid-day naps

The only thing that could make me love you more is for you to never end! Please?!?!


Strong Clan said...

Your Spring Break and my Spring Break could have been friends. I loved it! I also went to Will's classes and spent a lot of time in the illustration studio with Will, it was pure joy. Oh and instead of Glee...I am now addicted to Project runway and I still love OPRAH, just more now!
I love ya Rach, great Spring Break!

Janssen said...

Oh, how I love Spring Break. Sounds like it's been amazing.

Lindsay Marie said...

Yay for Spring Break! Sounds like a perfect week.
I am SO excited for Glee too! Hopefully the transition back to school isn't too traumatic.

Miss you!

Lindsay Marie said...

ps- you cheered for duke? really??

Jenna said...

Wow, sounds like you had wonderful time! We had our spring break the week before and it was just blissful. :)

Lisa said...

Rach, you totally 100% deserved this break. Is it just me, or have you been going nonstop since...August?

Judi said...

I was just noticing in your picture that your ring looks pretty. I forgot how much I loved your ring. Umm, yeah, that was random, but it stood out to me!

Remember how we lived at D.T. and would go to the creamery all the time. That was ages ago. I am so old.