

NYE 2016

When Bryan and I were in NYC last year it was Chinese New Year and there was confetti covering the streets.  We bought a popper and saved it all year but had forgotten how much confetti it held and set it off in my parents' family room.  We were all astounded by the mess it made and spent the next day vacuuming and picking up pieces.  Sorry Mom!

Sweet, snuggly Livvy.  It took her a while to get over her cold after Christmas.  She had a terrible cough and I would stay up all night holding her because I was so worried about her.  The pediatrician said she had RSV, but that her lungs were clear and her breathing was fine, we just had to wait it out. 

I think this was the first week back to school.  We were supposed to get a little bit of snow and we wanted a snow day so badly so Jilly wore her pajamas inside out and backward.  No luck, there was just a tiny dusting and school went on! 

I got a handlettering workbook for Christmas so Mattie and I practiced writing together.

First time in the bumbo!

Mattie's first day as a Sunbeam!  She was so ready and so, so excited to go to Primary.  I love having her on the front row, she always makes funny faces at me.  Her teachers are Brother and Sister Lim, the son and daughter-in-law of her nursery teachers she loved so much.  We got so lucky!

Snapchat obsession

Mattie has really loved getting to be a big sister to Livvy

This January we were so lucky to have so many warm days!  I kept pinching myself that we were really at the park without even jackets on!  I was so, so grateful to not have to be cooped up all winter with a new baby, the fresh air did wonders for all of us!

Bryan heading off to a klondike campout with the Scouts.  I don't love him being gone once a month on campouts, but I am grateful he has someone to camp with besides me!

I have a picture like this of Bryan with each of the girls ;)

When he got home Bryan set up the tent out in our sunroom and the girls spent the night there!  Of course I worried about them all night and went down to check on them a couple times but they had a great time.

When we lost our friend Emilee we realized we were great at taking pictures of our kids, but terrible at taking pictures of ourselves!  So we're trying to fix that.  This was at Suzette's twins' baptism, I can't believe we have kids that old!  Erin's oldest will get baptized this fall and then Jilly next year!

Oh Livvy, we love you so so much!

Over the weekend of MLK Day reading suddenly clicked for Jilly.  I had bought these Pinkalicious easy reader books to give her for Valentine's Day but I decided to give them to her early and she read through the whole set!  It has been SO fun to watch her read.

And Mattie learned how to eat her bagel with her feet (haha!) 

You have to be 6 to do the rock wall at the YMCA so Jilly was finally old enough!  We went one night with Bryan and she made it to the top on her first try!

We had a four day weened for MLK Day and we spent one of the days at the Aquarium with some friends.  We go about once a month but never get sick of it!  

Sometimes I still can't believe that she's a kindergartener, but she definitely looks the part!

Jilly brought this home from school and we died laughing when we saw Trump's orange face

The girls wore matching dresses to church and were being so goofy.  They kept yelling "BFF! BFF!"

The first note Jilly ever wrote on her own "If you bring a card then you get it for free" in her little cupcake shop.  Ever since this we find notes from Jilly all over!

A message from my phone, kind of applicable to my life most days 

After being sick for so long Olivia got used to me holding her all night and she hated her big crib.  I was hardly sleeping at all and kind of a mess.  I finally thought to try putting her back in the bassinet.  She looked huge in there, but she liked that it was tighter and cozier than the big crib and she started sleeping at least a few hours at a time.  Hallelujah

Katie and Joey came to hang out with us and we took a matchy cousins picture- my favorite kind!

Joey and Mattie at Storyville

One Saturday we went to this fun climbing place.  Jilly was awesome- she climbed to the top of this kitten wall lots of times, and tried many of the other walls.  Mattie spent most of her time in the bounce houses but she also climbed a bit and we all celebrated a fun day at Chick fil A afterward.

Another little dusting of snow.  I got Mattie all bundled then she played outside for 4 minutes.

Livvy's first snow- we lasted about 2 minutes

Poor Jilly got an ear infection and it wiped her out.  She had a super high fever and basically laid on the couch all day long.  Happily she was back to herself the next day!


Shauna said...

Yay for an update! I was needing a good dose of Martinez family in my life. 😘

Muhammad Ejaz said...

• Healthy adults need to limit their sodium intake to no more than 2,300 mg per day

(about 1 teaspoon of salt)

• Some people, including children and those with high blood pressure, need to keep their

sodium intake even lower (no more than 1,500 mg per day). Ask your doctor how much

sodium is okay for you.