
Great People

There are so many great people in my life, and one of those is my principal. He is a genuinely nice guy who wants to help us do our job without putting too much pressure on us- love that. But today he did the nicest thing ever for me. I went into the workroom to check my box and there was a candy bar inside. I immediately began salivating over this treat and thought, "how kind of that random person to give me some delicious chocolate to brighten this terribly looooong week." Well, upon inspection of the candy bar I realized that it had one of my student's names on it. Darn kids. They don't need more chocolate.

My principal happened to be in the workroom as well and I told him that I was so disappointed because for a second I thought the candy bar was mine! He laughed and didn't judge me too harshly when I (jokingly) said, "She won't know if I eat it right now will she?" Then about five minutes later he came walking into my classroom with a bright, shiny, beautiful, chocolate candy bar with MY name on it! I laughed so hard and couldn't believe how lucky I am to work for this man.


Lisa said...

SO great!!! You deserve a million candy bars, Rach! :)

Monica said...

You are one of these "great people" Rachel. In London, you brightened so many people's days with your sweet notes. I will never forget mine!

Jenna said...

That story made me happy, glad you have such a great principal. Mine is pretty nice, but she's kind of intimidating...