
Rachel Time

Tuesday nights Bryan has a meeting at church.  The first week he went to this meeting (that starts at 7) I worried myself sick thinking that he had gotten in an accident on his way home since he didn't get home until almost 10:00.  I quickly learned that this is routine.  But, don't feel sorry for him.  It turns out they spend about half the time just talking and making fun of each other.  At first I was kind of sad about my Tuesday nights alone, but then I realized the beauty of Tuesday night tv.  While Bryan is gone I watch American Idol, Glee, and Parenthood.  All of these are shows Bryan is not completely crazy about so I love that I get to enjoy them all by myself without his obnoxious commentary.  I look forward to my Tuesday nights every week. 

So, please don't bother me for the next few hours while I fold my laundry and enjoy my tv.  :)


Jana said...

Sounds like my tv lineup as well :)

Lisa said...

Oh Rach, I love that we love the same shows. I was having Rachel withdrawals tonight. I mean, I always have Rachel withdrawals, but tonight I was in dire need of Rachel time. *whimper* Thanks for blogging!

Alyssa Jacobs said...

Haha our Tuesday nights sound exactly the same :)

Andrea said...

Spencer is also not very fond of Parenthood. I just ignore his comments should he look up from his computer to make any. :)

Emily said...

I happen to do the EXACT same thing on Tuesdays! Ha ha. Glad I'm not alone in that!