
friday five

(one)  One of the things I'll miss most about our house is our hydrangea bush.  When Kristen was here she fell in love with it also, and she took the kids out to take some pictures.  I love having a talented family.

(two) After our beach trip we got to spend a few days with Kristen, Kirra, and Knox.  The kids had a ball playing together, I forced Kristen to make me biscuits and gravy (my favorite breakfast and hers is the best), we shopped a bit, went swimming, and had a really fun day at the Oakland Zoo.  

(three) On Tuesday I had my last Relief Society Activity I was in charge of (!!!)  When I came home I was doing dishes and noticed there weren't many so I asked if they'd only had corn and watermelon for dinner  Bryan said, "No, we had cookies too."  Much, much better.  Also, in the morning when Mattie woke up I noticed that her diaper was on backwards.  Not sure how he managed that one, but I'm glad to know that I left my girls in good hands.

(four)  Mattie started giving kisses this week and of course it's the cutest thing ever.

(five)  Our girls went a few too many days without a bath this week.  When I finally got my act together and bathed the babes I made a huge deal about how clean and yummy smelling they were.  The next morning after Bryan got out of the shower Jilly was sure to gush over his cleanliness.  I think he was a bit weirded out.

Happy Weekend!!


Lisa said...

Hilarious! Pretty sure I've done a few watermelon/corn/cookies dinners myself. :) Love the hydrangea bush.