
Jilly girl

Jilly has been perfectly pleasant for the past few days.  She's been happy, obedient, funny, helpful, and overall delightful.  (I know now that I've said this we'll have a day full of tantrums tomorrow, but come what may.)  Here are some of our favorite Jilly-isms from the past few days-

I got Jilly a snack one day and asked her where she wanted to eat it.  She replied "in my mouth."

Bryan has a bag that holds his tools and Jilly saw it in the garage and told me "That's Daddy's purse."

One morning I woke up to a voice calling from the other room, "Mommy, Mommy! I want to paint my nails!" (even though she can easily get out of her bed she almost always still calls for me when she wakes up.) When I got in Jilly's room she said, "sparkey (sparkly) pink nails!"

Every morning Jilly asks to wear a dress.  Once it's on she does a little spin in front of the mirror and if the skirt doesn't flare out to her expectations she tells me "it's not working" and asks for another.

Jillian's favorite breakfast is a "faffel in a cup"- a waffle cut up and put in a cup.  I'm not sure how she came up with this but I'm usually happy to oblige.

Every night when we read books I hope for some variation but without fail we must first read "Pincess Yaya" (Aurora) and "Pincess Rella" (Cinderella.)

Whenever Jilly can't find something she says "I miss it."

Anytime Jilly or someone else gets an owie, she quickly says "I'll kiss it. Mwah. That's better."  


kali said...

Aw, she sound so sweet!
At the end of the Parents magazine there are "funny" kid comments. Jilly's are funnier :) Made me laugh!

Kristen Fitzgerald & Trevor Martinez said...

Love my Jilly girl. She is such a little princess. Miss her and can't wait till our next visit

Christina (Cha) said...

That is so funny. I was just thinking this morning that I really love Kylie right now. I mean I always love her but kind of the same, that she is just really pleasant at the moment and makes me laugh. Jilly is seriously so funny though. I love when the girls get to play together. Kylie gets so excited whenever I tell her she gets to play with Jilly today.

Katie said...

Oh. My. Adorable. I love these and can't really choose a favorite.