
Proud Mama

Today the Mother Hen in me had a very triumphant moment. It was the Canyon Crest Geography Bee and my little Thomas, the finalist from our class, was nervous. Not just any kind of nervous, the can't stop that twitching in your legs, funny smile stuck on your face, and freezing cold no matter what you do kinda nervous. Who could blame him, he was going against 5th and 6th graders that were about 5 times his size (don't even get me started about 5th and 6th graders...I'm still trying to figure out how my little darlings turn into those hideous huge monsters.)


It wasn't a very impressive event. Question after question was answered incorrectly. (In 2008 Hurricane Ike hit Galveston, which is a city in what state... California??? Don't think so.) But, to the kids' credit, the questions were pretty tough. We suffered through a few rounds, and finally they picked the 2 finalists and Thomas was one of them!

This is when Mama Martinez started to get really nervous. I knew Thomas wanted it so bad, and I knew he could beat those icky 5th and 6th graders. He was asked the most random question- What Canadian province was some random place in (who really cares about Canada anyway??) Luckily, the stars aligned for Thomas today because his family owns a cabin in Canada, and he has been going there for many years. So, with the answer Manitoba, my little Thomas became the C.C. Geography Bee champ. He was so cute and excited, and I was so proud of my little geography genius.


Lisa said...

I'm so impressed!!!

Strong Clan said...

My huge monsters can be cute sometimes! But I still wonder how 4th graders turn into 6th graders. Thomas was awesome and I have pictures for you. I also totally understand what you mean about the mama instinct!

Lisa said...

By the way, I'm not sure if you've done the 6 Random Things or not, but I tagged you on my blog.