
No Tiffany,

I'm not pregnant. Unfortunately. Trust me, if I was pregnant you would have all heard my screams of excitement all across the country. #1 - I would have a baby, and #2 - I would get to stop working!!!! (ps- I do love teaching, I just am craving the stay-at-home mom/wife lifestyle, call me crazy if you want...)

To explain my previous very misleading post, cute Bryan is doing the 12 hints of Christmas for me. I get one hint a day to figure out my present. I left my computer open on our blog and Bryan decided to make his premier post my hint for the day. Unfortunately, I know Bryan all too well and figured my present out after clue 3 (Bryan is now protesting that he made the clues really easy because he wanted me to figure it out quick.) My present is Elf, one of my very very favorite Christmas movies. (Dad is a hint because my dad basically thinks this is the greatest movie ever made.)


Our very favorite SNL skit is Michael Vick, Really? It gets us every time. Tonight I would like to propose Canyon Crest, Really?

Really, You thought it would be a good idea to have a faculty Christmas party at 7:30 am, even though school doesn't start until 8:45, Really?
Really, You thought no one would want to skip our delightful 3 1/2 hour training on Friday afternoon so we could have the party then, Really?
Really, You thought this would actually be a nice thing to do, Really?
Really, You thought we felt like we didn't spend enough time at school, Really?
Really, You think people will show up, Really?

Obviously I'm a little bitter. And, despite all my complaining and sarcasm, we all know that good little Rachel will be there to festivate at 7:30 tomorrow morning.


Lisa said...

lol. That clip is hilarious. So is your 7:30am Christmas party!

Janssen said...

Let me just say, nothing that takes place at 7:30 am can be considered a party.

Strong Clan said...

I just LOVE LOVE LOVE you! I love your sarcasm, and I wish we were both pregnant at the same time! Did you love love love our meeting, I have a few great stories from the meeting for you!

Judi said...

I am going to be SOOO happy when you finally are pregnant, a little mini Rachel baby will be absolutely darling! I loved your post, you are very funny and I MISS you ;)